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 Manuale per il docente

Il manuale per il docente si compone delle seguenti parti, scaricabili in formato .pdf (in lingua inglese).


Part I: Instructional Design

Learning Objectives: How to Define Your Goals for Your Course

The Importance of Active Learning

Six Things You Can Do to Encourage Classroom Discussion

Cooperative Learning Teaching Strategies

How to Teach Your Students to Study Effectively

Control the Incentives: Assign Credit to Study Skills Assignments

How to Teach to Student Learning Styles

Lesson Design

Ideas on Grading

How to Write Good Test Questions

How to Minimize Student Test-Taking Problems

How to Evaluate Your Course


Part II: Chapter-by-Chapter Teaching Tips

1 The Earth System

2 Plate Tectonics: The Unifying Theory

3 Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks

4 Igneous Rocks: Solids from Melts

5 Sedimentation: Rocks Formed by Surface Processes

6 Metamorphism: Alteration of Rocks by Temperature and Pressure

7 Deformation: Modification of Rocks by Folding and Fracturing

8 Clocks in Rocks: Timing the Geologic Record

9 Early History of the Terrestrial Planets

10 History of the Continents

11 Geobiology: Life Interacts with Earth

12 Volcanoes

13 Earthquakes

14 Exploring Earth’s Interior

15 The Climate System

16 Weathering, Erosion, and Mass Wasting: Interactions Between the Climate and Plate Tectonic Systems

17 The Hydrologic Cycle and Groundwater

18 Stream Transport: From Mountains to Oceans

19 Winds and Deserts

20 Coastlines and Ocean Basins

21 Glaciers: The Work of Ice

22 Landscape Development

23 The Human Impact on Earth’s Environment


Appendix A: Geoscience Preceptorship/Teaching Workshop

Appendix B: Sample Course Schedule for Geoscience Preceptorship/Teaching Workshop

Appendix C: Geoscience Preceptor’s Journal/Career Portfolio

Appendix D: Sample Guidelines for Team Roles and Responsibilities

Annotated Bibliography